TRS Service Purchase

Service Purchase

Service Purchase

Members may purchase several types of service and leave for TRS service credit. The chart below provides a brief overview of the types of service purchase available and the conditions that apply; however, purchasing service is complex and cannot be summed up in a simple chart. For detailed information about the conditions required to purchase service for any of the types listed in this chart, see Fact Sheet #8, Creditable Service and Service Purchases.

Service Type Purchase Limit Member Status Required for Purchase Counts Toward Vesting Employee Cost Employer Cost
Re-Purchase of Withdrawn Membership Service No Active or Inactive Yes Yes No
Correction of Service Not Reported to TRS No Active or Inactive Yes Maybe Yes
Correction of Service Reported in Error to PERS No Active or Inactive Yes Maybe Yes
Purchase of Service for First 30 Days (210 Hours) of Service Yes Active Yes Yes Maybe
Transfer of Service From PERS - Defined Benefit No Active Yes No No
Transfer of Service From PERS - Defined Contribution No Active + Vested + 1 Year Service* No Yes No
Legislative Service No Active or Inactive Yes Yes Yes
Non-TRS Reportable Teaching Service in Schools Located in the U.S. (State or Federal Public, and Private Schools) Yes Active + Vested + 1 Year Service* No Yes No
Teaching Service in Schools Located Outside the United States (U.S. Federal or Other Public, and Private Schools) Yes Active + Vested + 1 Year Service* No Yes No
Service Under the Montana University System Retirement Program (MUSRP) Yes Active + Vested + 1 Year Service* No Yes No
Montana Cooperative Extension Service Yes Vested No Yes No
Purchase of Leave Time Yes Active + Vested + 1 Year Service* No Yes No
Uniformed Service During Conflicts in Korea or Vietnam Yes Active + Vested + 1 Year Service* No No No
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) Military Service / Montana Military Service Employment Rights Act (MMSERA) Yes Active + Pre-Military Leave Employer Yes Yes Yes
Non-USERRA Military Service/Service in the Red Cross or Merchant Marines Yes Active + Vested + 1 Year Service* No Yes No
Leave for Employment-Related Injury Yes Active Yes Yes Yes

* Member must have one full year of membership service following the period for which service is being purchased.

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